Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The biggest Screw-UP ever.

Guess all the studying and revising I did for Computer Science was for naught. Physics was ok today though I cant help but feel Paddy (Phy lecturer of mine) is still out to get us. I managed to run through all the questions, all but the last 3 which I had no idea was easy or otherwise. Because, like all the past AUSMAT papers I sat for, time seemed to be more impatient then I was to leave the examination hall.

"Put your pencils down, times up! Put your pencil down, time's up!"

Again and again and again I hear these words echoing through the hall for every paper I sit for. Other than English, I have yet to turn up a completed paper, much less checked. I'm not complaining about the system, I'm complaining about my incompetent time management. I should be shot and spawn killed for this. So yeah, Physics partial fuck-up. But here comes the best, the epic fuck-up!


Yup, left the last 3 pages completely empty. Spotless without a trace of lead or blue ink. Amazing. And they were questions I could definitely have solved. And estimate of 35 marks gone, just like that. The biggest screw-up in my entire exam-sitting career.

Tomorrow is Maths Specialist, the most feared of all (or atleast for me) and I kinda feel my luck can't get any worst. Can it?